It has been very quiet recently hence the gap in posts.
Thrushes have continued to flood in with a conservative estimate of 600
Redwings in the Magic Garden early last week. There is also a regular thrush
roost here. The Redwings tend to use the trees on the island or the young oaks
but the Fieldfares drop in to the tops of the more mature trees.
Cormorants used to be uncommon visitors to the village but
are now seen very regularly. The bare Ash tree in the Magic Garden seems to be
the perch site of choice.
This second bird looks to be of the continental race sinensis from the shape of the orange gular patch.
Another bird which has become much commoner in recent years
is the Jay. It was the big autumn influx from the continent in 2012 which
marked the real change with regular sightings since then (although they seem to
disappear in the summer). The Magic Garden is the best site but birds are often
seen on Langlands Farm too. I’ve included this poor picture as this is literally
the only shot of this ultra-wary bird I have ever taken in the parish.
The only other birds of note were three Snipe in the bottom
fields, a pair of Teal in the Magic Garden and a Grey Wagtail amongst the leaf
litter on the village green (can you spot it?)
In terms of the weather there seems to be a real contrast at
the moment. Both these pictures were taken within a few minutes of each other,
snow on the Hambletons…
And this almost summery view in the Magic Garden...
And as if to emphasise the delayed autumn, driving to the pictures
last night (‘Arrival’ – very good!) we saw quite a few moths and a bat out
I’ll finish with this striking sky-fire picture photographed
last night (surely a warning from the gods after Trump’s victory!)