It’s been another quiet period but Waxwings have taunted all
month, turning up in all the neighbouring villages but somehow missing out
Ainderby. I even had great views (in beautiful light) of a flock of 20 at work
but typically I didn’t have a camera. So the best I managed were relatively
distant shots of a flock in Romanby in distinctly
murky conditions. To compensate here are a couple of cracking shots of local
birds taken by Gareth Atkinson…
Best sighting in the parish was a Water Rail seen yesterday
in the Magic Garden, only the third village record and all of them seen in this
same boggy area…
A Woodcock was also in the garden. I have seen more Woodcock
in the last couple of years than the previous twenty. I’m not sure why although
the woodland/scrub area of the Magic Garden is distinctly wetter recently so
may just represent optimum habitat.
The conditions were surprisingly cold this morning with the
Mallard and Teal walking on the ice and two Kingfishers forced off the lake and
into the field ditches. Good numbers of geese were around with a nice skein of
Pinks last weekend and plenty of Greylags moving over as well as a flock in the
bottom fields
At the waterworks there were small numbers of wagtails but
how come the Pied sit up and pose beautifully…
but the scarcer Grey’s always seem to lurk about in the shadows.
I still haven’t had a good shot of Grey in the parish…
This morning I saw two Rooks in a really vicious fight, presumably
this was a function of the cold weather as aggression does seem to rise when
feeding conditions are harder. They were in a field full of other Rooks. The
latter birds all took off when I approached but the duelling pair carried on
regardless. It only broke up when a Carrion Crow intervened, almost like a ref
stepping in to stop a boxing match!