Sunday, 11 August 2024

11th August 2024

Pick of the recent sightings were at least three Ruddy Darters in the Magic Garden yesterday. Surprisingly this is a new species for the parish but they do have a rather patchy distribution in this part of Yorkshire…

I also saw my first Brown Hawker and Emperor dragonflies today too…

It’s been a really poor summer for butterflies so it was a pleasant surprise to see 13 species in the village today, this included my first Small Copper of the year, Brimstone, two Walls…

And a pair of Holly Blues

Earlier in the week I made my usual summer visit to the Greenhill avenue of oaks to look for Purple Hairstreak, they weren’t ideal conditions but I counted at least eight individuals. As usual they stayed near the top of the trees, so this rather poor effort was the best photo I managed…

On the bird front it has been pretty quiet, the only addition to the year list was a single Common Sandpiper on the river. Presumably an autumn migrant as they don’t breed on ‘my’ stretch of the Swale. Other waders included Green Sandpiper, a small build up of Curlews and a nice pair of Greenshank near Swalefields…

I’ll finish with the other find in the Magic Garden today…