The slow trickle of migration continues with the first Swift seen over Ainderby on 7th May but the first significant arrival from 10th.
They actually beat House Martins back this year with the first pair of martins over Morton on 11th. This latter species has really declined in the parish in recent years and only the odd pair still nest in Ainderby itself.
Garden warblers seem to have arrived in good numbers, at
least in comparison with recent years, but Lesser Whitethroats are
exceptionally scarce with only one singing bird noted so far. Yellow Wagtails have so far been restricted to the meadows along the river but there look to be three pairs
along the river between Morton bridge and the spinney...
The most interesting migrant records though fell to other villagers with Tracey hearing Cuckoo down Greenhills Lane yesterday and Andy having excellent views of Osprey moving south along the Swale today (including at least one fishing attempt in the river).
John did a ringing session in the Magic Garden last week but
it was worryingly poor, some of that reflected the late/non arrival of migrants
but even resident birds seemed in very short supply. Most interesting bird was
this Willow Warbler…
It was a re-trap of a bird John had ringed in the same place
almost four years ago to the day. It was an adult then, so this little bird has
made at least ten journeys to and from southern Africa.
In terms of butterflies I saw my first Common Blue this week
and my first Wall of the year…
This is a declining species so it’s good it is still hanging
on in Ainderby (although numbers are small). I also photographed this rather nice female Orange Tip on bluebells...
Finally, I had another Otter on the river. Some way from my last sighting so possibly a second holt here?
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