Sunday, 13 January 2019

13th January

Yesterday I did My first walk along the river this year. Highlight was a Barn Owl hunting in the field next to Morton Bridge. A couple of friends at work had mentioned seeing one in this field over the last week so great that it’s still there. This used to be a regular haunt for them before the mysterious disappearance of most of the local birds. Unfortunately the light was appalling so no picture.
Other birds seen included two Little Egrets, up to 28 Cormorants, eight Goosander, half a dozen Teal, 40 Curlew, two Green Sandpipers and a single Oystercatcher.

On Friday night as I got home from work the local Greylags were flying over the village in four great skeins, probably around 500 birds. A magnificent sound and, partly lit by the floodlights on the church, a magnificent sight too. I stood hoping to film them going over last night but they were too high and lost in the darkness.  

Today I added Kingfisher and Jay in the Magic Garden and also watched a group of five Roe Deer feeding down Greenhills Lane…

And talking of the Magic Garden these are a couple of recent images from the trail camera we put in there…