Wednesday, 1 January 2025

1st January 2025

The end then of another birding year, I managed 104 species in the village (around about average) picking up a couple of late additions with Redshank and a surprise Ruff on the river, a Little Owl at Swalefields and a Woodcock on Langland.

No new birds added to the parish list this year but I personally saw three species for the first time in the village, the Long-eared Owl(s) back in September,  at least one pair of Avocets in June…

And, best of all, Hawfinch. As well as the bird with Redwings see in early November I picked up another in the fog on 28th December. This bird looked to be feeding on Hawthorn buds…

Like buses, thirty years with no sign and then two together!

Some surprising omissions, no Hobby, Cuckoo or Sedge Warbler and no Red-legged Partridge, they definitely seem to have died out in the village. On the up side Little Owls seem to have staged some sort of recovery and many more sightings of Grey Partridge this year. The other species that seems to have markedly changed status is Pinkfooted Geese, they were less than annual in recent years but now are pretty much regular passage migrants with many more winter sightings too.

Here’s to a bird-filled 2025!